Our projects on the map

Some general information:
- Democratic republic since 2008
- 28,61 million inhabitants (2019, World Bank)
- Religion : hindu 81%, buddhist 11%, muslim 4%, other 4%
- Average income per capita: +- 2$/day
- UNDP human development index (education, life expectancy, per capita income), 2019:
- 1. Norway : 0,957
- 2. Switzerland : 0,955
- 14. Belgium : 0,931
- 142. Nepal : 0,602
- 189. Niger : 0,394
- 800 km x 200 km, locked in between China and India
- 3 areas : Mountains (Everest : 8.848m) – Hills – Teraï (60m) → wide variety of climate and soil
- Only 20% of the total surface area of the country is arable
- At least 20% of the population, of which 90% are men, are living outside of the country
- More than 75 ethnicities
- Area with a high level of seismic activity
Our Projects on the Map