Surya Vinayak School

Surya Vinayak School

Surya Vinayak English Secondary School is located near Bhaktapur. Currently around 250 children are enrolled.

The school is spread over 3 rented houses, whose rooms have been transformed into classrooms. Even though the infrastructure is certainly not ideal, the school always tries to provide the best possible education.

What makes the school special

  • one third of the children benefit from reduced fees or completely free education
  • the school is inclusive and admits children with special needs.
  • the school has excellent academic results and always tries to improve its quality

Objectives and how we do it

  1. Provide and improve quality of education through
  • supporting children through scholarships
  • supporting further training of teachers
  • providing additionnal educational material


  1. Provide additionnal support to special needs children through
  • assistance
  • therapeutic and medical help
  • special devices